Saturday, January 1, 2011

4th of July

Here is Aaron doing the first of many firework cleanups that we had for our "Cul-de-sac of Fire"!! This is seriously one of my most favorite nights of the year!! It is amazing and it only gets better every single year!!!!

Here is the pile of fireworks we had for our famous night!! What a great way to celebrate the birth of our country........the "Cul-de-sac of Fire"!!!!!!

Here's Gabe playing in the dirt!! Big surprise........not!! He is a typical boy and lives in the dirt whenever it is possible!! His favorite is to throw rocks!! I don't care if he does it as long as he doesn't break anything!! I LOVE my little boy!!!! By the way......I have no idea why he's scuzzing me off!!!

Here is Gabey playing in the dirt with some of his cousins!! I'm so glad he has cousins to play with since I didn't grow up with any!! He's having a great time.....especially cause it's all about dirt!!!!
I love my little guy!! It has been nothing but a complete joy having a boy!! I love it more than anything on this earth!! Even if it requires a lot of clean up and black tubbies!! It is worth every single minute!!!!!

1 comment:

Bart and Jill Schenck Family said...

Glad you updated, even though I love to see your updates on facebook, too!!! Gabe is so cute and looks like so much fun! I totally agree...having boys is such fun! I'm so excited for you to have another little guy!